Want to Help Out NYC? Come Write with us!
Over the past few weeks, we have been inundated with small businesses, freelancers and locals who have reached out to us to support them by sharing their stories.
We are looking for writers to join us in writing mini featurettes on small businesses, locals, and other, NYC type stories especially pertinent to tell now, in the time of the Coronavirus. We have a list of folks you could interview and write about, or pitch a story that you would like to tell.
The stories will be published on our website, Instagram, and newsletter. While we are a small platform – we have a strong community and are actively working for the betterment of NYC.
Some examples of content are:
The Local’s Guide to Supporting NYC
How to Stay Safe At Home Amidst the Coronavirus (Kitchen Edition)
In the Age of the Coronavirus, Will NYC Ever Be the Same?
Instagram Profile Pieces:
Examples topics that we want to highlight:
To volunteer or submit a pitch:
Reach out to hello@ciaooomag.com for more information on how you can help. Please see HERE for our contributor’s guide.

It’s imperative now more than ever that we use our platform to support the diverse entrepreneurs, artists, and creators living in our city. We don’t need another profile piece on the latest celebrity chef (though we love you Jean Georges), we want to know the secret sauce behind the diner owner whose been around for 30+ years. Or the two best friends who raised over $100,000 to help Chinatown businesses during the Coronavirus. Or how the Churro Lady manages to make her churros every day.
This pillar is meant to serve as a platform for diverse people who may not have had an opportunity to beforehand and how locals can be inspired to join.
What we do not publish:
- Roundups of restaurants, bars, or activities. We are not Time Out.
- Restaurant, Beverage or event reviews.
- Posts with unclear focal points or those that are not clearly organized or formatted to grab reader attention. We encourage writers to use subheadings, bulleted lists, and bold fonts to highlight key concepts and action items.
- Op-ed style posts that discuss why an issue is important without discussing how, specifically, it can be leveraged by New Yorkers.
- Posts that have already been published elsewhere.
- White papers and other promotional content that is meant to tout the benefits of one specific product or service over others.