One day, 40 years down the line, you’ll be telling your grandchildren the romantic story about how you met your partner because you swiped right on their picture with a dog. The kids will say, “Wow Grandpa/ma. That’s so much work. Nowadays, we just 3D print our romantic partners using only organic, ethically sourced nut milk and Apple iPhone XXV parts”. But I digress.
While there is nothing wrong with being on the apps (duh, everyone’s on them), EVERYTHING is wrong with modern dating. People swipe right and left faster than they can blink. Witty text banter that never amounts to a real date. Ghosting! The flakiness of dates. Catfishing of pictures. It seems that the more people are on the apps, the less they are meeting (connecting) in real life.
A few months ago, after hearing so many of our friends complain about dating online, we decided to write an article about the black hole of dating in NYC. If you missed it, the article was called “The All-Encompassing Guide to Love, Sex and Dating in NYC”.
We also decided to throw our own party. “A Friend of a Friend party aka A Party for Single People Who Hate Online Dating But Love to Party” where we’d invite all of our single friends, and have them invite their single friends and meet together in real life, without any pressure. No ghosting, no flaking, no catfishing in a place where everyone could meet organically, with their friends. Throughout the party, we had a blast connecting everyone. Several dates, sparks, and corner make out sessions took place. It was a great time and we’re doing it again October 24th. (EDIT: This event has ended, but you can check out our upcoming events HERE.)
Take a look at the pics below and tag yourselves.